This is a short film for the International Mahayana Institute, a non-profit organization that helps provide resources and funding for westerners who have ordained as Buddhist monks and nuns. I shot extensive footage for a second film about Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s house in Santa Cruz which is a beautiful and inspiring place, but I soon got too sick to finish working on it and haven’t been able to complete the project. I hope to be able to return to this kind of work someday
A film of images of my life with severe ME/CFS
What It Takes For A Severe ME/CFS Patient To Leave The House
Defying NIH In 2024
A very short film protesting NIH's lack of funding for ME/CFS research in 2024. To see a graph showing the funding disparity compared to other chronic illnesses click here.
My new headphone hanger
I shot this 8 years ago when I came upon the tiny miracle and only had my cell phone to record it. I always wanted to put ballet music to it, and finally have been able to.
A simple film of lightning flashing outside my room window at night during the summer thunderstorm that caused all the wildfires in California. Filmed on August 16, 2020